Extreme teaming

A book that hopefully will give you new insight into a world that has become more complex were projects often demand cross-industry participation and a different approach to knowledge and how to obtain the right competences.

If you have already been following the discussion on open innovation and followed in the footsteps of H. Chesbrough’s research on the topic this book will add to that paradigm.

The book contain insight as well as pracitcal guidelines for managers that search for effective ways of cooperation between professions and different industries.

The main takeaway is that modern organisations more and more focus on teaming up across boundaries and less about looking inward and creating strong teams inside the organisation. A book that I can recommend in addition to subjects like open innovation, teamwork, project management and cross-industry work.

Capitalizing on Creativity at Work

I believe a lot of managers have been exposed to the need for change in a lot of workplaces in the last decade. My interest in the field of creativity and innovation goes back to the beginning of 2003 and I have since tried to figure out what makes creativity so important. After getting to know some of Miha’s work I picked up this book for my summer readings. It’s full of empirical and practical advice and is a good starting point for those that want to not only generate a lot of ideas put implement them as well. It’s a must read if you are concerned with creativity and innovation in public services. Enjoy; the book can be picked up on the internet right here.

Why capitalism?

capitalismWhy? The financial market is still going through a hard time. The Euro zone is struggeling, the US market has been in recession and Asia is changeing it’s view on western capitalism.

To understand the mechanism of capital I can truley recommend this book. As an entrepreneur I believe capital is the most important resource for any individual to succeed. To have access to capital and of course use it in the most effective way should be highly valued when you take a leap into the unknow.


Worth reading on a permanent basis

For gaining insight there’s a wealth of books and magazines you can read on weekly or monthly basis. During years of consulting I’ve found that The Economist will give you the best overview of what’s going on in the world if you are interested in politics, business or society.

Very few single magazines national or international have helped with advised reading when it comes to my individual plunging.

It’s far the best advise I’ve got for reading. Considering the time available for real insight in today’s society. The Economist is a hot tip. Check out The Economist here.

Purpel cow

Transform your business by being remarkable!!!

In purple cow, Seth Godin urges everyone involved in creating, designing or selling to think in new ways about their market. By adopting alternative approaches to your business, you and your company will survive to innovate another day.

It sounds like a good idea, indeed! I argue that being remarkable is for the few. Why? Well, start thinking about how many times you have chosen to step into a new business opportunity while focusing on creating a purple cow. I would say that most people and business are to coward to explore and to take a plunge worth changing the business they so often claim to innovate.

For those who dare to eXperience the marketing plunge by focusing on a different “P” (Purple) should really take a look at Mr. Godins tips. The book is written in a easy language and comes with dozens of examples to illustrate how you can go about to start changing your business.