Purpel cow

Transform your business by being remarkable!!!

In purple cow, Seth Godin urges everyone involved in creating, designing or selling to think in new ways about their market. By adopting alternative approaches to your business, you and your company will survive to innovate another day.

It sounds like a good idea, indeed! I argue that being remarkable is for the few. Why? Well, start thinking about how many times you have chosen to step into a new business opportunity while focusing on creating a purple cow. I would say that most people and business are to coward to explore and to take a plunge worth changing the business they so often claim to innovate.

For those who dare to eXperience the marketing plunge by focusing on a different “P” (Purple) should really take a look at Mr. Godins tips. The book is written in a easy language and comes with dozens of examples to illustrate how you can go about to start changing your business.

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